Source code for pycmx.channel_map

# pycmx
# (c) 2018 Jamie Hardt

from re import (compile, match)
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Generator

[docs] class ChannelMap: """ Represents a set of all the channels to which an event applies. """ _chan_map : Dict[str, Tuple] = { "V" : (True, False, False), "A" : (False, True, False), "A2" : (False, False, True), "AA" : (False, True, True), "B" : (True, True, False), "AA/V" : (True, True, True), "A2/V" : (True, False, True) } def __init__(self, v=False, audio_channels=set()): self._audio_channel_set = audio_channels self.v = v @property def video(self) -> bool: 'True if video is included' return self.v @property def audio(self) -> bool: 'True if an audio channel is included' return len(self._audio_channel_set) > 0 @property def channels(self) -> Generator[int, None, None]: 'A generator for each audio channel' for c in self._audio_channel_set: yield c @property def a1(self) -> bool: """True if A1 is included""" return self.get_audio_channel(1) @a1.setter def a1(self, val: bool): self.set_audio_channel(1,val) @property def a2(self) -> bool: """True if A2 is included""" return self.get_audio_channel(2) @a2.setter def a2(self, val: bool): self.set_audio_channel(2,val) @property def a3(self) -> bool: """True if A3 is included""" return self.get_audio_channel(3) @a3.setter def a3(self, val: bool): self.set_audio_channel(3,val) @property def a4(self) -> bool: """True if A4 is included""" return self.get_audio_channel(4) @a4.setter def a4(self,val: bool): self.set_audio_channel(4,val)
[docs] def get_audio_channel(self, chan_num) -> bool: """True if chan_num is included""" return (chan_num in self._audio_channel_set)
[docs] def set_audio_channel(self,chan_num, enabled: bool): """If enabled is true, chan_num will be included""" if enabled: self._audio_channel_set.add(chan_num) elif self.get_audio_channel(chan_num): self._audio_channel_set.remove(chan_num)
def _append_event(self, event_str): alt_channel_re = compile(r'^A(\d+)') if event_str in self._chan_map: channels = self._chan_map[event_str] self.v = channels[0] self.a1 = channels[1] self.a2 = channels[2] else: matchresult = match(alt_channel_re, event_str) if matchresult: self.set_audio_channel(int(, True ) def _append_ext(self, audio_ext): self.a3 = audio_ext.audio3 self.a4 = audio_ext.audio4 def __or__(self, other): """ the logical union of this channel map with another """ out_v = | out_a = self._audio_channel_set | other._audio_channel_set return ChannelMap(v=out_v,audio_channels = out_a)